WordPress plugin: Admin Anti-forget Alarm

I wrote a small WordPress plugin to prevent users from publishing a post without excerpt or thumbnail, or with a too big excerpt, or with a too small thumbnail, or with an uppercase-only title.

Screenshot do plugin

This screenshot is showing some of the messages the plugin displays in portuguese.

For some of my websites it’s important to require the editors to fix some stuff before publishing something, and it looks like this is a useful feature for other people as well. There is even a Require Thumbnail plugin in the WordPress Plugin Directory that seems to do one of the things I’ve just implemented.

The plugin works with two different types of requirements: ths first generates errors (i.e., you can’t publish if you don’t fix it) and the second generates warnings (i.e., you will receive a message but you can proceed to publish if you really want to do that).

I thought of not releasing the plugin (because it’s written in Portuguese and you don’t have a cool interface to decide what’s required yet), but in a fashion of overstated bazaar I decided to push the code anyway (without putting in the WordPress plugin directory, of course) so that other people can collaborate if they want to. Take a look :)

Github project home page: https://github.com/tmadeira/antiforget

Git repository to clone: https://github.com/tmadeira/antiforget.git

Code (PHP): https://github.com/tmadeira/antiforget/blob/master/antiforget.php

Download: antiforget.zip (this is pre-alpha: I provide no warranty!)

Retrospective: new plugin for WordPress

I’ve just wrote my first WordPress public plugin, that I’m licensing under GPL v3. This post is to make it public. I’m writing in English because the WordPress plugin directory asks me to provide a plugin page to host the files there and I’ll provide the URL of this post. Update: The plugin is now in the WordPress plugin directory: wordpress.org/extend/plugins/retrospective/

The website of the brazilian newspaper O Estado de São Paulo has a nice way to display news in a retrospective-style (check this screenshot or this link — Flash required).

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could display WordPress posts in our pages and categories in the same way just by using a shortcode? The possibilities are many. That’s why I wrote the Retrospective plugin for WordPress.

It has at least two advantages over the version you just saw:

  1. Does not require Flash (its implementation uses only CSS and JavaScript/jQuery)
  2. Has a option to respect the (time-)scale of the posts.

Its use is very simple. Wherever you add the shortcode [retrospective] the plugin will draw that cool retrospective. The shortcode supports several attributes:

  • count — limit the number of posts to be displayed (default = 10; use -1 to display all)
  • cat — display posts with category IDs comma-separated (default = display all posts)
  • width — the width of the timeline in pixels (default = 600)
  • delay — the time of the focus change animation in milisseconds (default = 1000)
  • scale — if set, respect the time scale in the distances between the points in the timeline (default = false)
  • image_width, image_height — the dimensions of the thumbnail images in pixels (default = 300×180)
  • image_border_size — the size of the image’s border in pixels (default = 7)
  • image_border_color — the color of the image’s border in hexa RGB (default = 000000)
  • image_margin — the space between the images (default = 5)
  • date_format — the date format in PHP format (default = d/m/Y)

Some screenshots

Here is a screenshot from juntos.org.br with scale=true (in the link you can see it working):

Screenshot (Retrospective plugin in juntos.org.br)

And here is a screenshot from a fresh WordPress install (TwentyEleven theme without modifications):

Screenshot (Retrospective plugin in TwentyEleven theme


Post thumbnails

For better results, I suggest always adding post thumbnails to your posts and using registered image sizes in image_width and image_height attributes.

Styling retrospectives

The generated HTML is very easy to style (but just be careful with margins and paddings, they’re set with !important attribute — I did it to try not to break with any theme). Here is a sample:

<div id="retro-uniquehash" class="retrospective">
  <!-- TIMELINE -->
  <ul class="time">
    <li rel="0">
      <a href="permalink" style="left:0px;"><span>date</span></a>
    <li rel="1">
      <a href="permalink" style="left:300px;"><span>date</span></a>
    <li rel="2">
      <a href="permalink" style="left:600px;"><span>date</span></a>

  <!-- PHOTOS -->
  <div class="photos">
      <li rel="0">
        <a href="permalink" title="title"
          ><img src="file" class="wp-post-image"
      <li rel="1">
        <a href="permalink" title="title"
          ><img src="file" class="wp-post-image"
      <li rel="2">
        <a href="permalink" title="title"
          ><img src="file" class="wp-post-image"

  <!-- POSTS -->
  <ul class="posts">
    <li rel="0">
      <a href="permalink" title="title">
        <h2>Title <span>(date)</span></h2>
    <li rel="1">
      <a href="permalink" title="title">
        <h2>Title <span>(date)</span></h2>
    <li rel="2">
      <a href="permalink" title="title">
        <h2>Title <span>(date)</span></h2>

Styling a specific retrospective

The generated hash takes in consideration all the attributes sent to the shortcode and also how many retrospectives appeared before in the parsing of the actual page. I made it that way to allow users to set up two exactly equal retrospectives in the same page. Because of that, I don’t recommend setting styles for #retro-uniquehash. I think a reasonable solution for this issue is to make add an outer container.


Here is the code for download: retrospective.zip

* Warning: Please consider I’m using a bazaar approach here. Be aware that the plugin probably has a lot of bugs (and please tell me if you catch any).

I hope you enjoy it. Have fun and please let me have your feedback! :)

© 2005–2020 Tiago Madeira